Stat: 15% of teens report seeing porn by age 10 or younger, with the average age of first exposure being 12 (at the oldest).

Implication: Exposure at such an early age can interfere with a child’s developing understanding of relationships and sexuality, and is linked to the most intense forms of addiction later in life.


Stat: 71% of teens who reported intentionally watching porn viewed it within the last week (most of whom view it regularly at school, too).

Implication: This indicates regular, frequent exposure among teens, which normalizes hypersexuality and promote distorted ideas of intimacy and love. This has profound impacts on future abilities to form healthy relationships.


Stat: 52% of teens reported viewing violent or aggressive pornography, including depictions of rape, choking, or someone in pain.

Implication: Exposure to aggressive or violent pornographic content may desensitize young viewers to sexual violence and create harmful associations between sex, aggression, and power dynamics. This normalization of violence in sexual contexts can contribute to abusive behaviors and undermine safe and consensual intimate relationships in society, making it a direct threat to family safety and the wellbeing of future partners.


Porn consumption is almost as addictive as heroin. It affects the brain in a dangerously similar way, with associated brain changes such as sensitization, desensitization, hypofrontality, and a malfunctioning stress system.


  • Porn use increases infidelity over 300%.
  • 40% of “sex addicts” lose their spouses.
  • 58% suffer considerable financial losses.
  • About 33% lose their jobs.


Stat: 84% of porn users reported having no one in their lives helping them avoid pornography. Specifically, 82% of Christian users indicated that no one was helping them with their struggle.

Implication: The lack of available support networks for people struggling with porn addiction indicates a deeper, systemic issue. The absence of intervention, guidance, or accountability makes it difficult for people to find freedom, which, in turn, fosters secrecy, isolation, and further addiction.



Oftentimes, if it's going to lead into the other stages, this exposure will happen at a very young age. The average age of exposure these days is somewhere between the ages of 8 and 11.

The vast majority of the people who struggle with an unwanted addiction to porn were exposed at a young age.


This is when these unwanted behaviors have become a habit in our life. Once you're exposed to it, you begin to like the way that it makes you feel (or stop feeling). So you begin to create habits in your life around when and how you consume it.


Dr. Anna Lemke defines addiction as: “The continued use of substance or behavior (such as consuming porn) despite the negative consequences to self and or others.”

In other words, when you continue to return to the behavior despite the repeated experience of those side effects, that's a clear sign of an addiction.


At this stage, the porn addiction is going to escalate into other sexual behaviors: purchasing memberships, buying sex from prostitutes, violent sexual acts, doing business with sex traffickers, etc.

So many men on the sexual offender registry, when asked about what happened in their life - and how they ended up at this point - say that it started at an early age exposure to pornography. Almost every single one of them says it.


This stage sees the destruction of the life that is resting in front of us, the destruction of our relationships, the destruction of our moral code at which we make decisions, the destructions of our soul, the destruction of our being, and the destruction of everything that we thought we were put on this earth to accomplish.



You're trying to hold onto your freedom so tightly that your knuckles are turning white. But it's exhausting...

You’re trying really hard, but you just keep running out of willpower.


You’ve tried a very one-dimensional approach, but it didn’t deal with all the things involved in your porn addiction.

Maybe you tried installing an internet filter, an accountability partner, reading a Bible plan, praying and fasting, or confessing to your partner. But soon you realized that your one, single - on its own - wasn't enough to overcome the entire addiction.


You’re all alone in this, trying to get free from an addiction while isolated from community, so you’re doing what you can on your own.

Whether you are isolated because there’s no one you can turn to or because you’re scared of what people will think if they find out, you don’t have people to encourage you or challenge you. And without a supportive community, your efforts won’t go very far.


Adults take ownership of their actions; it's children who live with very little responsibility. But so far, you've acting like a child. You’re not taking ownership over the role that you play in creating a fulfilling porn-free life.

No, what happened to you wasn't your fault. But it is your responsibility to overcome. And so far, you've been acting childish by playing the victim card each time you act out. It's your blanket fort, so to speak; you're hiding in it, but it's not going to shelter you at all.


You just don’t know where to start; you have no idea what you need to do, which explains why nothing seems to be working.

You're just trying whatever you feel like or hear from others, but you're not seeing any progress.



No More Relapses

$49.00 (first year discount)

This mini course helps you to identify the patterns that keep you stuck in your unwanted behavior and how to truly get real freedom.

Revive Your Life

$349.00 (first year discount)

Our flagship program will give you access to our full course of recovery modules, a growth-minded community, small groups for growth and accountability, and our team of trained and passionate coaches.

Church Talks


Most churches don’t talk about how to find freedom from porn addiction very much... if at all. But we love to! So bring in one of our coaches to do that for you!

The Ascent


Once a year, we take select members from our Revive Your Life program on an immersive weekend experience in the wilderness. This retreat will take you to a deeper level with others in recovery together.

You can gain shameless confidence by creating a fulfilling, porn-free life.

Here’s what that has looked like for people just like you:

“I have learned how [porn and masturbation] weren’t the real issues; it was the attempt to medicate (numb) the pain from the real issue. I learned how becoming more productive and active was directly related to relapse (or lack thereof). I also learned how to combat urges when they came. I also learned how essential it is to have a relationship with God and not just practice a religion about him. Before this, I was doing a lot of the same things reading my Bible, going to church, etc. but it was just to check a box. Now it is to pursue a relationship with Him and a life pleasing to Him.”

- Maxwell

“As I started being addicted to porn, it affected relationships from my family to my friends to everyone in general. It stunted my growth in Christ. I tried all things by myself without accountability and it is very hard. [Since I started this recovery journey], there are huge changes in my character, faith in God, confidence and assertiveness when I quit porn and masturbation. Coach Brant really helped me when he said that the opposite of addiction is connection.”

- Nathan

“I honestly never thought this day would come that I can actually say that I have been [porn and masturbation] free for more than 3 months. I have noticed a huge difference in my confidence, and I can really look at people in the eyes. I'm grateful that I have become more emotionally connected to my wife, and I can really communicate with her, and express my emotions with her... I can finally say I am free and I can help others as well.”

- Alex

“[This] hasn’t been an easy journey in some areas but I’m able to defeat those challenges and grow more of a better man that the Lord wants me to be. I have learned more about myself than I have my entire life. I’m more confident in myself, enjoying life more, connecting with my family more, and having the courage to open up more instead of holding everything inside! I feel like I have a better relationship now with the Lord than I’ve ever have. Quitting [porn and masturbation] has opened my eyes and I’m glad I took the risk!”

- David

You new life of freedom is just around the corner!

Here is how you can gain the shameless confidence that you’ve been missing.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


A lot of people lack confidence and struggle with heavy shame because of their unwanted addiction to porn or masturbation.

We help you gain shameless confidence by creating a fulfilling, porn-free life. In a quick discovery call, you’ll see how to join a community of growth-minded individuals just like you who are creating a truly fulfilling life that is completely free from porn and masturbation. Too many people get to the end of their lives and feel an immense amount of regret for not living the life they knew was possible.

For many, the regret is even heavier because of the unwanted addiction they’ve been carrying their whole life. Addiction to porn and masturbation steals your life and silences your love. This doesn’t have to be your story! You can create a truly fulfilling life filled with flourishing relationships when you quit porn and learn how to healing for your heart and hope for a new start.

Right now, we have room for 10 men who are committed to creating a confident, porn-free future. To learn more...